
[CHC2012]血栓性病变与静脉桥血管病变的治疗——华盛顿大学医学中心Larry S. Dean教授专访

作者:  L.S.Dean   日期:2012/8/24 14:34:53


Larry Dean:威斯康辛地区医学中心主任,华盛顿大学医学中心内科和外科教授。目前的研究领域为隐静脉旁路移植术保护、支架和支架内狭窄。

  International Circulation: What makes these grafts for susceptible to stenosis?
  Dr. Dean: It has been debated. It has something to do with the placement of conduits, such as putting a vein into the arterial system. A graft of this kind was never designed for that type of pressure. There can be a host of technical issues from the standpoint of early graft failure, while late graft failure has more to do with having a conduit that is not designed for a particular environment. This is likely why arterial grafts - particularly the LIMA graft – have superior graft patency. I think it is an interesting question and it is something that interventional cardiologists debate with our surgical colleagues from time to time. We have restenosis as our Achilles heel, they have vein grafts. A lot of us are moving towards arterial conduits that can be placed in a patient and then using stents to take care of vessels that cannot have arterial conduits placed. I think coronary stents are much more likely to be as good as, if not better than, a vein graft over the long term. Drug-eluting stents can certainly match the graft patency long term in SVG.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍


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