
[ACC2012]患者共同决策——克利夫兰大学医院William R. Lewis专访

Shared Decision-making is to Narrow the Gap —— An Interview with Dr. William R. Lewis

作者:  WilliamR.Lewis   日期:2012/3/25 17:28:01


简介:William R. Lewis, MD,副教授,克利夫兰大学医院;临床心脏病学杂志主编;主要研究领域心血管疾病,心房颤动和心脏电生理。

  <International Circulation>: How often would a patient actually follow through on this from the programs that have been implemented to-date?

  Dr Lewis: They do it a lot. Patients in the United States are coming in with lots of information when they walk through the door. They typically call me within one week of a consultation having gone to other resources in search of information. Having me direct them to a site where I know the information is trusted and accurate is very helpful. They go there a lot when I send them there. Then, when they come back, I don’t have to sift through multiple websites that have told them one thing or another. I know they have been to a trusted site and then the information exchanged in a follow-up visit is a much clearer exchange of information.

  Dr. Lewis:他们做了很多。美国的患者在门前走过即能获得大量的信息。他们通常每周电话咨询一次,让我告知他们一个我认为值得信赖、且有用的网站。我将网址发给他们之后,他们会多次访问。这是非常频繁的。当他们回来的时候,我无需对已经告诉他们的网址进行筛选,因为我知道那些是值得信赖的网站,在后续的随访中所交换的信息会更清晰。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:耶隶晓静

William R. Lewis CardioSmart shared decision-making

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