

皮埃尔教授担任巴黎Bichat大学医院神经病学系主任,为TISC 2010特邀讲者。

作者:  皮埃尔教授   日期:2010/8/2 13:16:00



    <International Circulation>:What are the advantages of the ASCO classification?

    Prof Pierre Amarenco: In comparison to TOAST which excluded a lot of patients due to its rigid classification in different subgroups forgetting the underlying disease and any overlap between the diseases ASCO takes into account this overlap and there is no loss of information. 

    <International Circulation>: What is the role of statins in the secondary prevention of stroke?

    Prof Pierre Amarenco: Statins are very important in the prevention of stroke. We have the SPARCL Trial which showed that almost 80mg of statins can prevent the recurrence of stroke and myocardial infarction particularly in patients with atherosclerotic disease classified in A1, A2 and A3 in the ASCO classification. In our cohort 86% of patients with stroke have some form of atherosclerotic disease so 86% of them should be on statins.
Professor Pierre Amarenco is the Chairman of the Department of Neurology at Bichat University Hospital Paris and was an invited speaker at TISC 2010.

    皮埃尔教授: 他汀类药物对预防卒中非常重要。SPARCL试验表明:ASCO-A1、A2及A3型的AS病变患者服用80mg他汀能够有效预防卒中和心肌梗死复发。我们的研究队列中86%的卒中患者都存在不同程度的AS病变,这些患者都应服用他汀类药物。

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